Full tutorial: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/custom-join-items ________________________________________________________________________ This file will only list ALL the possible nodes for each item, and the latest changelog. The item below is an example. item: id: 352 # (REQUIRED) The ID of the material. name: '&aTest item' # (REQUIRED) The custom name of the item (with formatting codes). data-value: 0 # This is optional. Can be used for colored wool, and other items with data values. command: 'say Hello world' # The command bound to this item. It will be executed when the item is right clicked. # Can be executed as OP, as the console, but also connect to a BungeeCord server or # just tell something to the player. Put one of this possible options before the # command to use them: # # command: 'console:say This command is executed from the console.' # # Valid options are: # # 'console: ' # 'op: ' # 'server: ' (for BungeeCord) # 'tell: ' (sends a message to the player) # # You can use symbols, and the placeholders %player% and %world%. # Use multiple commands with a semicolon (;) e.g.: 'tell: This is; tell: a double command.' cooldown-seconds: 5 # Limits the use of an item. lore: - 'Line 1' - 'Line 2' - '...' # The lore of the item (with formatting codes). slot: 9 # If omitted, the item will be placed in the first empty slot. # If set, the item will attempt to place in that hotbar's slot, and it will move # any existing item that is in that slot, if there's enough space in the inventory. permission: 'customjoinitems.test' # The item required to obtain the item on join. If not set, everyone will get the item. block-movement: false # (default = false) # If true, the player cannot move the item in his inventory. first-join-only: false # (default = false) # If true, the player will get the item only when they join the server the first time. # NOTE: give-at-respawn will automatically be set to false, if this node is true. give-at-respawn: true # (default = true) # If set to true, the player will receive the item when he dies and respawn. allow-drop: false # (default = false) # Allows players to drop the item. give-on-world-change: false # (default = false) # The plugin will eventually give the item to the players when they change world. # Useful if you have Multiverse or similar plugins. disabled-worlds: world_nether, world_the_end # a list of disabled worlds separated by commas. If you don't want to disable # an item in some worlds, remove this node or set it to ''.